Monday, October 14, 2013

Return from the Dead!

After some thinking, I've decided that I would like to continue this blog even though I started this for a grade in my English class. I find that I have a lot of things I want to discuss but no where to really write about them. Then, I remembered that I have this blog from last year just taking up space on the internet.

I have absolutely no idea what I want to write about or if this blog will be specified under one category. Thus, I'm going on the safe side and saying that each blog post will be different depending on what I feel like writing about. I know that my posts will be erratic since I have a very busy schedule so I'm not going to promise to update in an organized manner. That would be unfair to anyone who would actually be reading my posts.

I hope this will not be abandoned by me soon and I hope this split-second decision will turn out wonderful.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Final Blog Post

For my final project,

I decided to do a powerpoint slide and the reason is simple, it's what I know how to do and it looks impressive. However, I decided to change the info a little bit. Instead of focusing on how to introduce someone to the basics of Fan Fiction and what it is, I decided to be specific and focus on controversial issues that pop up in stories (they're usually involving some type of human rights issue).

I made sure that people who don't know what Fan Fiction is and people who do could both be interested in the powerpoint. I did this by keeping it interesting for both sides by not really talking about specific Fan Fiction in-the-know information but general information that everyone has heard. I also discovered a site that I explored for a while and found a gold mine when it comes to research for Fan Fiction.

Transformative Works and Cultures is a website where articles about many things (including fanfiction) are published and posted. My favorite academic who writes about Fan Fiction has posted some of his work on here and even some people that I've never heard of! I love what Henry Jenkins writes and really can't wait to find more of the articles he has on this website and read them. His opinions are close to mine and he writes in such a way that I find easier to understand than how I explain it in my own head.

I do have to admit though that I might got too excited with all the links that I put in my slideshow but what's done is done.

I enjoyed thinking about these controversial issues more. It makes me really recognize which issues are discussed more and which are actually gaining ground with speaking out more than others. I find how writers are capable of writing view points which they would personally disagree with impressive and professional. This really makes me want to give it a go and see if I can do as well as some of the stories I read.

The reason why I decided to choose this though was because of my third mini project. I realized how different every person's opinions can be but also how controlling society's opinions truly are. I wanted to delve into it and I did that.

Just so you know, I cannot post the powerpoint here because Blogger does not have a way to do so.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mini Project 2

At first, I had planned on gathering information about the significance Fan Fiction had on people (via interviews) and then placing the information on some type of online archive that anyone could access. However, due to a virus that got onto my laptop, I ran out of time to have even a chance at doing this.

Then, I realized I could easily attach the information I'd gathered onto my video from the first mini project. Since I only had a day left to do this, I was pressured. Still, I got it done and, frankly, am proud of the finished piece.

What makes me really feel satisfied after finishing this video is that I was finally able to put my thoughts about Fan Fiction into words. Before, I only had emotions and when I tried to explain it to people I couldn't do so in a manner which brought its significance justice.

I succeeded in this video. I was capable in finally answering someone who asked why Fan Fiction is so important.

I was not only able to gather opinions from my peers, fellow writers, and some academic point of views but also my own. I saw many different points of view that I've never thought of before.

I never realized that there are probably some authors out there who don't like the thought that readers are changing the plot they worked so hard on.

I also never realized how serious the possible copyright battle could be if someone takes offense to Fan Fiction. It really makes me pause and wonder if us Fan Fiction readers/writers are just on borrowed time or if we could possibly win a court case.

I can't wait for the next project because I have a really good idea in my head and I want to know what the outcome will be.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mini Project 1: An Introduction To FanFiction

When I first began this inquiry project, I knew that I wanted to focus on Fan Fiction in some manner. I realized almost immediately that not as many people as I thought know what Fan Fiction is. So for my first mini project I decided to dedicate some of it as an introduction of sorts.

However, I always thought that there weren't that many academics who have spent time to research Fan Fiction in any way. Thankfully, I found one and read some of the blog posts he's made involving my topic. Some of it is what I used to think of as common sense (this is in regards to the copyright). At the same time, I learned more detail (and also felt slightly insulted when Fan Fiction writers were referred to as "amateurs") involving these topics.

I also realized the significance Fan Fiction has to me based on how it changes the original plots to something that may or may not be close to the original.

Then there was the fact that Fan Fiction opened my eyes to some topics of discussion as well as things I've never noticed or processed in the original works. For example, a minor character may become an important one in a Fan Fiction and that character may develop into something incredible or even have such significance to chance the plot entirely.

I've learned a lot in the past week through research and actually thinking through what I've always accepted as Fan Fiction Common Sense 101.

Now, I know that there are many people that do not have the same interest in Fan Fiction as I have. Therefore, I've decided to make this video for those who have no knowledge about Fan Fiction at all. Hopefully, it's adequate.

Still, I tried to show the feelings and emotions I get when a character I love chooses to do something else entirely in a Fan Fiction than what they did in the original plot. I love the mystery of not knowing what the Fan Fiction writer will decide. Do they already know where the plot is going or will they actually take on some of the advice of the reviewers?

Hopefully, the music and some of the words I have in the video convey this.

I kept the significance this topic has to me more at a subtle level just to keep as much bias as possible away from this important introduction. That's why I leave the copyright information with two questions that could lead to an interesting debate.

Anyways, I've read Fan Fiction for almost 7 years now (yes that is straight through - no pauses in between) and I've learned how to spot a diamond in the rough. How to spot the ones that affect me just like any other good book would. I've caught myself crying or perking up in bed. I've caught myself laughing at jokes and all types of humor. This is my main hobby and it's so addicting to me that I almost refuse to do anything else to replace it.

Ever since I've begun reading Fan Fiction, I've opened my mind more to how much a writer can have the freedom to write as well as debates that come up in some stories. This is only a window into the community of Fan Fiction and I can't wait to open the door for the next mini project.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mini Project Ideas

I know that we're probably going to be talking about the mini projects in class but I need somewhere to think about possible ideas.

There's of course the classic presentations:

1) Power Point
2) Lecture
3) Skit
4) Video
5) Music

Then there's the not-so classic ideas which I'm trying to lean more towards:

1) Game
2) Interactive Presentation (varies greatly)
3) ... uh.... well.... hmm.... i got nothing

Yeah... not really sure what else to put. I'm also wondering what other things I can look at when it comes to my project. I could make some general statistics or general observations that I've picked up over time and maybe make a jeopardy game?

4) Jeopardy/ Question game

Oh, maybe I can have the volunteers do something funny if they get a question wrong!

At least this got me somewhere for now.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Writer's Language: Universal or Different?

As we came upon the debate on whether or not students should write their thoughts down in standard English, I came to my opinion almost immediately. I believe that each person should be able to write their drafts (of any writing whether it be for school or not) in any way they want. For this specific debate, that has to deal with home languages or what some would think of as a person's first language.

In some ways I have an easier time with writing since I've always had English as my home language and I'm used to writing in standard English. However, at the same time, this is the writing style that I'm the most comfortable with. Others have an easier time writing in foreign languages or in another type of English (the other types are based on region or how much one's on the computer or texting). To expand, I personally believe that rough drafts are where ideas are placed down. The other drafts mainly are used to fine the ideas into a way others can understand.

Therefore yes, people should be able to write rough drafts anyway they want since this is the purpose I believe rough drafts focus on: getting ideas down onto paper. However, I also believe writing in standard English is good learning for students. Students need to learn how to finalize work and the best way I learned to do this is through finalizing my drafts in English. The only way to see if this is working, for teachers at least, is to use a universal language which is seen as Standard English. Thus, I believe that at some point the ideas written in the most comfortable way for the students should be altered into Standard English.

Some may moan and grumble but the truth is, this is useful for everyone. Since we have to deal with it in the way the education system is right now, we might as well use this to our advantage and learn how to finalize our work.